where exactly is the Japan/Germany border?
i thought there was a neutral zone between them.

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@mokins An embassy is like a piece of a country inside the other. Julian Assange (WikiLeaks) is exiled in Ecuadorian territory, but he is in London (Embassy of Ecuador).

@dumbsloth87 wouldnt that embassy be in Tokyo then?

@mokins if it were in Tokyo it wouldn't be a suitable plot device for the show, would it?

@mokins Perhaps they have multiple embassies....

@mokins I think it was the German embassy

@mokins The official embassy will be in the country's capital yes, but there are always consulate offices in multiple major cities. As an example, currently Germany has 8 in the US and Japan has 17.

@zelbinian getting replies to 6 year old comments... yea
so anyway how exactly would they transport her to actual Germany?I think most consulate offices don't have air plane strips in their back yards.
