Shout by C B R B E Y O N C E

The Expanse: Season 2

2x04 Godspeed

This show is pretty F good, except the fact they are constantly forgetting that there is no gravity in space

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@fenkins what are you talking about? they let it very clear in the beginning of the series that they use magnetic boots, and you can clearly hear the sound it makes when they walk. Also, for the big ships, there is acceleration based gravity and rotating wheels (as seen on Taycho).

@dumbsloth87 I think @fenkins was likely talking about the process Miller used to get the bombs off the cart on Eros. He very clearly lifted each unit up, then rested it on the cart as if it was very heavy while changing grips to lift it over the railing. Right before setting each unit down, the base lit up as if to indicate a magnetic fastener activating, but all of Miller's movements up until putting each unit down indicated that he was under gravity—which he wasn't, in-universe.

@dgw Ok, that's fair, but not a constant in the show. Also, this is a Syfy show, they usually fuck up real hard with whatever they do, heck even Gravity got gravity wrong! Anyways, love the show, Syfy is doing some real research for this one.

@dgw there is a little bit of gravity on Eros... I don't know enough to know how this would make the bombs actually weight, since we don't know the mass of them.
Also: this isn't reality. You have to cut corners somewhere in a TV show with a limited budget... as long as it is not influencing the plot, I personally don't mind.
