Review by dgw

The Humbling 2014

Pressing the iPhone home button to end a phone call…that's a new one.

Sometimes my nitpicking technical comments make a great segue into a proper review, but not this time. There's no metaphor here. It's just an observation.

Honestly, I only finished this film by keeping busy with other stuff while it was playing. I didn't even watch the screen the whole time. Paying attention to the dialogue was a chore. Detecting characters' motivations was tedious. Figuring out relationships felt pointless.

The only reason I even started this movie is because it popped out at the top of a playlist shuffle. Being me, I couldn't skip to the second entry once I realized how boring this was, so I made do. But you should not watch this. Don't buy it, don't stream it, don't even pirate it. It's just a waste of your valuable time. For the last few days I've consistently picked out passable films at worst, but that streak is broken. This was bad.

Are we supposed to feel sympathy for Al Pacino's character? Should we relish his torment as he begins hallucinating? I don't know, and I don't care. I found none of the characters interesting, or believable.

Final rating: 3.3

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