Shout by Aloha!

Black Mirror 2011

Wanted to see what all the buzz was about... I've watched 5 episodes and got bored out of my mind. Feels like it's targeted for teenagers.

It has a very simplistic take to it: ultra-hyper-dramatization of very basic concepts and bad behaviors of a minority of people. Reviews say it raises questions about society and politics but does not provide arguments or details either way. The stories are sometimes interesting but lack any depth and in the end, it's the idea that counts, or so they say. Just presenting basic questions with no details and some vague/weird drama only makes people argue and thus promoting the series. I find it pretentious.

One of the society satires i enjoy is South Park which most of the times present quite a complete picture about a topic with multiple perspectives and arguments. Compared to South Park at that, Black Mirror is kind of showing you only what the main character(s) see.

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South Park and Black Mirror are 2 completely different styles and genres. I think this one went way above your head because it's actually a very unique concept with smart production qualities as well. Head back to GIlmore Girls it may serve you better :)

@aloha-ebfcab0e-acb7-41b0-bfef-a71d39d46e20 same here. Half of the third season and I can't name one episode that had caught me. So dissapointed.
I don't know why people overrate this show.

@billzy Yes, they are very different shows but still, both want to present social issues and their consequences and Black Mirror is just really bad at picking its topics and then really childish and naive at presenting them. The production is indeed very unique and the acting is good but that's not enough to make this enjoyable if you're not a teenager :) I doubt it went over anyone's head, this show is not complicated at all.

PS: Don't hate on Lorelai bro, everyone has guilty pleasures :))))
PPS: Watching superhero movies is not better than gilmore girls, man, but it does put you in the target audience for this series because you don't care about well written scripts and only follow the shiny visuals

@billzy one of the concepts today I don't get is attacking people for voicing a different opinion then your own. You like it, fine. Someone else doesn't, equally fine. Your last sentence is totally unnessessary.

@aloha-ebfcab0e-acb7-41b0-bfef-a71d39d46e20 Comparing Black Mirror and South Park is laughable, but then using "really childish and naive" as a slur against Black Mirror is irony at its greatest. South Park is so mature after all.... Nothing you say will ever undo this faux pas, your opinions are cancelled.

Finally, I found somebody who shares my feelings about Black Mirror. Thank you for your comment.
I kept hearing the hype around it and how great it is, so I watched. But I find it extremely simplistic, I keep waiting for more depth in their so-called societal analysis. The show is overhyped and overrated, I can barely contain myself when I hear someone praise it.

I’ve found Mr Robot or Westworld to be better shows if you want to think about technology and society.
