Review by FinFan

The Circle 2017

So, I got this book for my birthday called "The Circle". The Story sounded interesting but to be honest I struggled through every page and tossed it away about half way through because I couldn´t stand that stupid, naive, onedimensional and brainwashed character of Mae that sucked up every bit of that corporate crap she´s been served without even as much as a little doubt. (it´s much worse in the book). I mean how stupid can one be ? OK, I´ll take that back I know such people myself.
Anyway, now they made it into a movie and I thought "well, at least I could see how it ends". The plot is still interesting and it is something we all should think about because it is already beginning to happen. Like in real life we are sold BS about the benefits and while at least here they are showing some of the dark sides they make nothing out of it in the end. Yes the villains are exposed but instead of The Circle being shut down the writer/author sells us the same BS again that everything is fine. We will reform The Circle and make it a benefical for society. Like someone mentioned before: If the leaders are watched too why complain ?

So the biggest flaws of the story are rooted in the book. You needn´t bother watching it really. The cast is wasted on this. And the author of the book wasted an opportunity to write something great out of a good initial idea. Instead of criticism he said "don´t worry there are supposed to be bumps in the road but everything will be fine in the end". And that´s when you start to worry.

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