[6.1/10] I have to admit, the show is starting to feel formulaic even as it’s moving the ball forward, and I’m getting a bit tired of the repetition. The show is overly didactic when it comes to the theme of Eleanor not being a joiner or willing to be a part of a group vs. here when she realizes that Chidi & co. like her and want to be on her team. It’s a sweet enough idea, but the show is just too blunt about it to land.

The B-story, with Tahani trying to teach Michael to grow a backbone and stand-up to the reps from The Bad Place similarly ends on a strong note, but fills the coffers with some pretty feeble comedy and tepid storytelling when getting there. The badness of the bad guys is a little too over the top to be funny.

That is, of course, except for Adam Scott, who is just perfect at playing this sleazeball. It’s a complete 180 from his character on Parks and Rec or Party Down. Plus, new Eleanor is Sabine from Star Wars Rebels, which I appreciate, and her instant nerd chemistry with Chidi is certainly cute.

Overall, this one just didn’t click with me. I’m beginning to catch on to the show’s rhythms, and the humor wasn’t strong enough to cover for that in this one.

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