Review by dgw

Naito really struck me in certain scenes as a Japanese version of Marcus Kane (Henry Ian Cusick, The 100), for some reason. There was something about his facial structure & hairstyle that connected the two in my head.

Nice to see Eda-san is a good salesman, equally willing to dissuade his customer from purchasing as he is to encourage it if he believes the purchase wouldn't be in their best interest. That's true customer service!
He also keeps getting more creative with trying to make the time travel experience feel more special. Each time Eda comes up with another idea to try and make the whole experience feel properly commercial, it gets funnier. This latest thing with the safety video is hilarious, as thought he's trying to make it feel like an airplane.

I do wonder whether the restriction Eda mentioned—that the driver of the taxi can only repeat their previous actions, without changing them—is a regulation or a physical law. Strictly speaking, is he able to change his actions but forbidden from doing so, or is he bound by universal forces to repeat the same actions regardless of will? It would be an interesting subject to explore, but I doubt the drama will touch on that again in the three remaining episodes.

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