I've been enjoying this show quite a bit. The mix of sci-fi and Seth's kind of humor is pretty good imho.
In this episode though, I was severely annoyed by Dr. Finn stabbing Drogen - the guy hadn't done anything to hurt or threaten her, and she just stabs him, instead of knocking him out. Then he came at her with the knife and she shot him; that's more "fair", I suppose. Then later, she tells Ty to set the phaser (?) on stun, because "They may not value life, but we do." And she's the friggin' doctor!

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@dinsdale You know, it didn´t bother me when I watched it but now that I read it you may have a point. Then again she tried reasoning with him up to that point and it brought her nowhere. And she was worried sick about her children and from a mothers point of view that´s strong incentive. So in the end from that perspective her actions are comprehensible.

@dinsdale yup aggree, and it's contradictory to her saying to her son about values live

@dinsdale That is exactly how I felt when it happened

@dinsdale I loved pretty much everything about this episode, except for this. So far I've found The Orville mostly fun and quite original and I suppose her "just" coming up with some sort of an agreement with the guy might be considered unoriginal, but I still didn't like what they decided to go with. I would be very happy had she just pushed him in the cell when he was coming to check on her, and locked him in there (he could get away in time the same way she did) and then ran away. The gun could have been in the storage, he didn't have to have in on him.
There was also a moment near the end of the episode when she said she needed to take care of something. At that point I was expecting her to maybe talk to someone (Isaac!) and try to come to terms with what she'd done, perhaps wondering whether it was right, but that didn't happen. Considering that in some of the previous episodes The Orville didn't shy away from difficult topics I was slightly disappointed they ended up not addressing this at all.

@dinsdale He was keeping her locked up and wasn't going to let her go. She did what she had to do with what she had. It just shows how desperate she was to get to her children.
