Review by abetancort

American Made 2017

Have you seen Narcos? Yes, now you know why the fat guy with a black beard from the CIA was always fucking Javier Peña's joint operations with the Colombian Army, the US ambassador didn’t want to expose the Colombian Government to end the immunity of the Cali Cartel (IRAN-CONTRA) and the real reason for Peña's resignation from the DEA.

The movie is probably the best one starred by Tom Cruise in at least a decade... Not a very difficult achievement, indeed.
While being entertaining, it manages to critique. the US in a subtle and sarcastic way.

The film critiques the self indulged and naif belief that most of the US continue to have about their own country and government, like that they always have the moral high ground and that the motivation for any of their interventions is to save, protect and facilitate democracy in the world... When the reality is that they create and feed their own daemons, in secrecy, for their own interest, but when they go rogue the push the western world into a holy war, like going after Sadam Hussain under the excuse of weapons of mass destruction, the hunt for the former CIA trainned, armed and finaced assets Bin Laden and its group Al-Qaeda, the War on Terror, The War on Drugs,etc...

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