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Hated it.
As simple as that.
Terrible way to take the series to. I mean it's not as bad as the prequels, because the acting is quite all right, but it hits so many bullshit moments where I was facepalming every other scene it's unbelievable.

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@bejot you clearly facepalmed the whole movie and didn't see it properly

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@jokes-senpai Well, it was a lost cause after the Leia scene, so you're right.

@bejot I'm with you. I also gave it an 4...

@bejot ok, besides the leia thing, it was great. I'll give you that. It's not a four tho. Don't take it so damn seriously. lol

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@dannyland Look, I get it, Disney wanted a clear horizon for the next installments. They killed off all the main characters, Carrie Fisher died in reality, so they need to kill her off somehowe between this and IX, they should kill Chewie, destroy the Falcon and send the droids to some junkyard and that'll give them a clean slate to build next trilogy on.
I LOVED TFA, watched it in every format I could in cinemas, and just yesterday I went for a special screening of TFA before TLJ and I loved every second of the first one just to have my hopes crashed in the next. Everybody's allowed to have an opinion and that's just mine. I love me some Star Wars, don't get me wrong, but this was just too much.

@bejot I'm probably too emotionally invested in the movie to see it clearly and I've just come out of it. Would you mind sharing which moments did not resonate with you?

@bejot I feel like they missed a great opportunity to end Leia's story before the ridiculous force thing happens. Although, actually killing her in her final film might have been in poor taste. Chewie isn't going to die anytime soon. They just put another giant sized man in the wookie costume and they're good to go. Besides that Leia scene though, what else was awful exactly?

@bejot having walked out of it an hour ago, I have to wonder . if we saw different movies. I greatly enjoyed it.
With all respect, the prequels weren't that horrible either - if you want to nitpick, tear apart Rogue One, which (if you're the nitpicky type) makes A New Hope look hilariously bad in retrospect.
But I'm not, and I still like this film. :-)


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@snorbaard Like I said previously — everybody's allowed their own opinion. And I agree with you on EP IV being a bad movie in retrospect :)

@dannyland Chewie is the last character that ties the ”old” with the upcoming ”new”. And after reading some articles I agree, killing Leia's character in this one would be the easiest, albeit a poor choice.
What was awful? Let's see if I can compile a shortlist.
Useless characters: Phasma (why even bother?), Del Toro's ”hacker”, porgs (yes, I am not a fan of those).
Downplay of Rey's whole motivation in TFA (I mean seriously, even if Kylo's explanation was true, it was delivered in such a horrible way). Also first rule of movies: show, don't tell.
Snoke? The fuck happened there? Played like a child by two angsty teens. No back story, no forward story — introduced a a massive, powerful character, overshadowing Kylo and Hux just to have him killed via a cheap force trick. This just doesn't sit right with me.
Speaking of Hux — I felt like I was watching a kid from '80s sitcom, to be honest. The scene with Snoke scolding Hux while being a hologram? It was right from ”That '70s show”. I know it was to re-establish the ability to use force on long distances just to ease the disbelief later on, but why? Why?
Also Kylo's ”rise” to power was so obvious it was painful.
And while we're at it — I loved Kylo in TFA: pissed off kid with so much power to abuse, and so much conflicting thoughts. In TLJ he turns into this whiny spoiled emo brat Vader-wannabe. Even Snoke acknowledges it when he tells him to take his stupid mask off.
Also apparently you can transfer matter through space and time via force (Kylo's wet glove).
Jedi ghost can now manipulate real weather all of a sudden. And yeah, I know TFA intruduced the ability to stop laser shots midair, but this is just so ex machina thing.
Lack of comminication breeds conflict — just look at the whole Poe-Holdo situation. A simple explanation would release the tension and fix the problem, but no, we need ”conflict” between allies to... Exactly what?
The whole casino thing, such a wasted time. I know what the wanted to achieve, but it just didn't work for me. That whole story arc around the ”hacker” was such a waste of time.
And don't even get me started on the whole Star Wars School of Planning Attacks. ”We are overwhelemed, we got only buckets with skis (why?), let's attack these giant machines head on.”

@bejot This movie is the best looking Star Wars ever, just for that it deserves at least a 6 or a 7.

@bejot Besides the Leia force thing and the direction they took Luke after the original trilogy the more I look back at this the realize how I dislike it. I enjoyed the added humor though.


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@bejot Really dude? If you blatently only like the OT then just stay away from it and don’t watch Star Wars anymore. The prequels were fine additions to the sage, and this movie was quoted by even Lucas himself as being beautifully made. You have no right to shit on the movie just because YOU don’t like the direction it took. As a film i can admit it was top of the line when even I didn’t like all the choices and directions the film took i thought it was ambitious and bold and was a very well crafted film. Its sad your opinion is gonna scare people away from seeing this film over some childish reason. Fans like you are incredibly toxic

@imtherhetorician For the third time in this thread — it is MY opinion and I'm not forcing it on you, or anybody else. I don't like the direction, becaue I don't like the direction. That's it. And based on the amount of many ”likes” some people seem to agree.
But you don't have to :) I don't only like the OT, I LOVED the TFA, I think it was a the best SW movie up to this point.
Instead of throwing shit at me try to convince me otherwise, but with a proper rhethoric, facts, and observations, like many online articles and video reviews did. If people got scared because of — once again — MY opinion, that just says a lot about them in general.

Also I don't really care what Lucas said, he made prequels, and changed the OT to the point it sometimes makes no sense :)

@bejot I would add the fact that the movie summary states:

Rey develops her newly discovered abilities with the guidance of Luke Skywalker

I was expecting Luke would train her just like Yoda did with him but the whole time he was just acting like a grumpy old man. They even showed his X-Wing, I thought he would train Rey to lift it from under water!

@bejot actually Episode 7 and 8 made me like 1-3

@bejot I like the prequels way more than those 2 bad movies. really. never thought that could happen.

@bejot The Leia scene was fantastic. She finally got to use the force. Been waiting for that since RotJ, and all that waiting finally pays off in an epic way!

And before anybody says anything, no the vacuum of space doesn't instantly kill you. As long as you get back inside within about 90 seconds or so, you can survive. The longer you're out there, the more permanent damage you will have, but you can survive.
