Review by dgw

This episode actually blurred out the name of a shop. I'm guessing the business wouldn't grant permission to use its name on screen? First time I noticed that happening in this show.

Maybe I only noticed because my guard was already up from seeing the blur on that shop's sign, but they also obscured the brand of pop filters in the recording studio with tape. (Not well enough, though. I have a couple RØDE mics of my own, so I recognized the logotype anyway.) Either this episode had to start avoiding putting brand names on screen for some production-related reason, or I just missed it before.

20 minutes later: NOPE SCRATCH THAT they've definitely pulled the brakes hard on having any logos or brand names on screen. Yukika and Mint both have tape over the Adidas branding on their shirts at the gym. Something is even up with Yeseul's shirt, though it's not as obvious as a big old stripe of tape across the whole front. Even the small Umbro logotype on Kang's jacket breast is partially covered, along with (in a later shot) the Umbro logo on his shoulder. This was definitely a mid-season change, and a drastic one at that… They weren't blatantly obscuring things like this before. I wonder if there's any background to be dug up on it.

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