The conclusion to the cliffhanger could not have been a surprise as a lot of us were already suspecting the parallel universe theory. And at least it explains certain things people were negative about. Now there are different things to be negative about and guess what - it´s OK. Everybody is entitled to his own opinion. Sure this is different and yes it is not TNG or DS9 or even VOY like. So what ? You don´t like it ? Fine - don´t watch.
I like where this is going and I am saying this as a decade long fan of Star Trek. Of course now they have to be aware with their writing a bit more because there are already established facts in place of the Mirror Universe. One thing I don´t like was how easy Burnham fell into her role and the guilt stricken face after killing that guy did not convince me. Oh, yes one thing I definately don´t like is all the sex. It does nothing for the story and seems to be just there to be there. But I for one am looking forward to what will developing out of this more than I was before the break.
Remember Star Trek has always been about tolerance.

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