Shout by kinky

Ooooh, that twist at the end, what an exciting revelation! Now we finally know who the Emperor is... And, of course, it had to be a familiar face. Discovery is shaping itself to become more and more like a soap opera in space rather than another Star Trek series. BUT (and that's a big butt) I am not complaining about it. In fact, I'm excitingly enjoying all these plot twists as they come along.

We have to be honest, there isn't much of the core Trek philosophy here (if any, at all), the Roddenberry legacy is hardly recognizable... But this show sure is becoming fun as hell! And I'm in for the whole ride!

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@misnomer You are right about the Trek philosophy and I've given that a lot of thought. On the other hand I still don't believe Discovey is set in the Prime Universe (the one all the other shows are set). I read a quote from Producer Alex Kurtzman saying "We are canon, be patient with us" He wasn't taking about timeline or universe. If they are canon they can´t be in the Prime because it would be hard to explain why we never heard of a spore drive or Spock having an adopted sister. It´s all speculation at this point. Anyway, as I said many times before people were bashing TNG when it premiered (me included) and in the end what it did was pushing Star Trek forward for decades. If this brings people to Trek - that can't be a bad thing.


OPReply by kinky

@finfan oh, the things you let me know... Either Kurtzman is following an ingenious master plan or he's just teasing us. I don't think Trek fans are the patient kind, but since I'm in for the whole show, I'm curious to see how will they make Discovery canon. Because that spore drive before Kirk sure is bugging me a lot. It's stuff like that (and the shiny special effects) that makes me wish they would have done a post-Voyager show, instead. But I digress.
I miss the space exploration and the consequential moral dilemmas that arise from that, when taking action (or taking no action at all) involving other civilizations. That's a cornerstone of the very Star Trek essence, I would say. I haven't seem much of that in Discovery. It's mostly a measuring dick contest between Klingons and Humans. Am I digressing again? Sorry, I tend to get carried away.
I guess if Discovery gets stuck in the Mirror Universe, they would have more wiggle room to incorporate the show in the Star Trek series. But, as I've mentioned to you before, I'm not familiar with the Mirror Universe and you already said there are rules set for it.
I'm not a hardcore Trek fan, I've always enjoyed every other Trek show I've watched from the very first episode of it (except DS9 - please don't hate me), but Discovery left me feeling confused because it looks like the show I'm fond of, but it doesn't feel like it. Nonetheless, regarding the apparent absence of the Star Trek essence, I'm starting to enjoy Discovery very much and I've been eager for the next episode. The Mirror Universe and the plot twists derived from it have been keeping things interesting.
About your last sentence... The movies did exactly that, but I still feel it wasn't in a good way. We'll just have to wait and see what will they do with this show.
Again, apologies for the rambling and thanks for letting me know that the producer wants us to bear with the show. Which I will.

@misnomer I hear what you're saying about what makes/made Trek. And I agree. Like you I am willing to let Discovery give room to develop. In the Mirror Universe there isn´t much exploration going on anyway. Here it's conquest. I'm pretty sure the show runners know what they are up to. If I like it when it all comes together ? We'll see. They must have had reasons to do a prequel rather than a post VOY fully aware of how sensitive the fanbase always was and that they are operatig on a short leash when it comes to continuity.
