There's nothing particularly bad about this episode, it's just so very forgettable. It's a great showcase for Dax and Terry Farrell finally gets to show us the slightly more fun side of her which will become a trademark of her personality. I like Trill culture so it's nice to get some info about how it all works, but the whole relationship between Jadzia and Arjin is quite dull and just feels half hearted.

Odo has a great mini disagreement with Kira and makes his points beautifully, the voles on the station are a humourous background story and the Klingon chef is always welcome back.

But the whole thing with the tiny universe is just uninteresting and feels without any real stakes. They just end up putting it back where they found it, but isn't it still going to pose a risk there once it continues to expand?

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Hmm, the implication of putting the protouniverse back where they found it is that, since it came from a subspace pocket, it won't impinge on normal space. I don't think we the viewers actually know enough about how subspace "works" to know.

@dgw Yep, I considered that afterwards. I think the issue is that the episodes doesn't explain it too well.

@lefthandedguitarist They did kind of explain where it came from initially in a bit of a throwaway line… Sigh.
