Shout by Juan J. Requena

Fullmetal Alchemist 2017


I'm not a confesed fan of live actions, and see some one at least... decent, but this could be the wort and most biggest shit someone else did....

Music: wrong, poor and insignificant during all the film.
Effects: Meh... alchemist effect have a pass, but the CGI?? what the f*k?? I hope that one was fired.
* Hughes excellent. Tucker... bad. Mustang, meh. Hawkeye very good. Ed extremely bad. Al bad. Winry bad (except one moment at the lab no5), Lust meh, Envy f*king bad, Gluttony.... the worst from far .... the best? Alexander (Nina's dog).
*: Half invented... I understand this part due the omission of some character that I don't understand why... but, ok. No problem. No Armstrong, no Bradley, no Lee, no Hoemheim, no Homunculus, no Greed.

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