Review by dgw

R-15 2011


Review by dgw

I really can't say much about this show, nor can I provide an average episode rating as usual. Back when I started watching R‑15, President Obama was just starting his second term in office. I'd only joined Trakt a few weeks before, and it would be two years before I started keeping track of anime here too.† My thoughts on the first nine episodes of this show are lost to time, because I didn't start rating every episode I watch until a couple years ago. Really, I have nothing to go on for giving this show a rating, but I can try to draw from the last few episodes, which I did watch today.

Fun fact: It took me 1,849 days to watch this show from start to finish, according to MAL. That makes it the top entry in my list of anime by time to finish by just over two years, well above Captain Earth (at 1,111 days) and Baby Steps (at 1,107 days).

Yes, I did decide to finally finish this anime because I started it so long ago. No other reason was going to motivate me. It's not great. R‑15 isn't even particularly good, and I really don't care for this type of anime. Of course, I learned that partly by starting—and then losing interest in—R‑15, so at least it was a learning experience.

But now I know. And since ratings are ultimately a tool to record what shows I liked or didn't, I award R‑15 a hearty "Meh".

† — I started off by tracking anime in the same place I always had, on MyAnimeList, and tracking everything else here. I'm slowly backfilling my anime history here, one show at a time, for lack of a script to do it for me—not that I haven't played with writing one myself.

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