Out goes the creepy neighbour. Again, Kilgrave was the best part of the episode. The police station scene was classic but brillant. The I'm in love with you part is a little too cliché though. It somehow lessen the interest of the character making the rest too common and more predictable. There was a great tension in the first attempts to get him, as the game was never to be seen. If he sees you, if he speaks to you, you've already lost. Now that we know he's not going to use it on Jessica, we've lost a great element of the show.

Malcolm's character has really evolved, that was interesting. They seem to want to show that Jessica is not in her right mind and is going dark, but it does not really fit well there.

And what is Simpson doing ? I thought he would try to do something by himself, but no, he's just stalking ? Then what's the point of not telling he found Kilgrave ? Also he just staked the house and waited there, he didn't follow Kilgrave to the police station ? What's the point ? I guess the whole point was just for him to see Jessica go in, without any real reason for it to happen.

The ending might bring something interesting though. With the fact that she is somewhat willing, even if constrained, at least it's a choice. And it will being more of Kilgrave's insanity which should be great. We can assume she at least trusts that he will not use his power on her, which is interesting.

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