Definitely the best episode of the season, 100% because of David Tennant. Having Kilgrave back entirely overshadows the whole main plot that is extremely disappointing.

So Jessica's reaction is let's make it look like a suicide ? Didn't expect that. We're totally in the morally grey there. Kilgrave could not be handled by the legal system, but this guy definitely could. And even if he was more responsible, his crimes were less than Alisa's, whom Jessica is still trying to protect.

New guard is nice. She'll probably be the first casualty when Alisa goes crazy and escapes (because of course she will).

I thought evil Trish wanted more inhaler but she actually wanted the whole procedure ? That is really crazy. And they thought he could do that just like that. When he's supposed to be a fugitive and everything ?. That's not really though out. It seems pretty strange that Karl would go with it. That's not how the character has been shown until now. He wanted to heal people, enhancements were a side effect. Trish was clearly not ill, just crazy and addicted. He could clearly just have knocked her out and escape, or help Malcolm and find Jessica. He really seems like a nice guy who wanted to help people, and was genuinely in love with her mother.

And Jessica holds him responsible when Trish is definitely the evil one here. And she's even taking it out on Malcolm that is also a victim here. She really has an incredible weak spot for Trish. She doesn't even protest much when Karl wants to kill himself, even though she knows what impact it will have on her mother.

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