Review by FinFan

Marvel's Luke Cage 2016

Kudos to Marvel/Netflix for, again, making me watch a show I didn´t particulary enjoy to the end by tying it all loosely together and calling it a Universe. It´s the fear to miss something and not the quality of the show.
The whole setup doesn´t work for me. All that black gangsta hip hop style isn´t hitting home. The villian makes the hero and that Cottonmouth is just a smalltime wannabe. I mean, he just doesn´t have it. All those gangster types are so cliched that it hurts. And at the bottom of the story is a bad guy with daddy issues. That´s thin
Luke Cage, while he seemed to be interesting as a secondary in Jessica Jones he doesn´t carry a show. He just don´t, he´s boring after a short while. That indestructible thing kills all the drama. A character like Daredevil f.e. he can be hit, he bleeds, he can die - with Cage you know he enters a scene, get´s shot over and over then hits some guys and that´s it. When there finaly was the means of him getting hurt it became slightly better but there I lost interest already. And I am sure (up to now I haven´t finished the season) they will find a way to make him invincible again. What´s the point? Even Superman has his Kryptonite.

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Reply by kinky

@finfan this is the most accurate description/review of this show I've read around here. I started watching Luke Cage with mild interest (I liked him in Jessica Jones) but then I realized it took me almost a year to finish the first season and I actually had to struggle to watch it to the very end. It got boring very fast. I'm definitely not coming back for a second season, should there ever be one.

@misnomer Thanks for the reply.
Second season trailer released yesterday I think. Couldn't care less. Only Marvel shows I am interested in at this point is Daredevil and The Punisher.


Reply by kinky

@finfan I'm soooo lagging behind on Marvel shows... There's too many of them! But I will gladly skip season two of Luke Cage. I actually had more fun watching Iron Fist (which is considered to be the worse Marvel show, I think) than this. Still need to watch season 2 of Daredevil and Jessica Jones and Punisher and The Defenders... I definitely need to be more picky when it comes to Marvel shows.

@misnomer I had totally forgotten about Iron Fist. Which tells you a thing or two ;-) Since we are usually on the same page I'd definately recommend Punisher. And you already started Daredevil. Defenders is OK, it's where everything comes together but I think you can watch it without having seen everything Marvel.
I have learned that just because it says Marvel it's not automatically a hit. And that goes for the movies as well.


Reply by kinky

@finfan as usual, I agree (though Infinity War was marvellous). I will boost Punisher to the top of my Marvel shows watch list, though I am quite tempted by the second season of Jessica Jones, because that first season is still my favourite Marvel show until now. But I will definitely start being more picky when it comes to Marvel shows, there are things that are definitely not worthy of our time.
