Shout by Dog Watching TV

Cobra Kai: Season 1

1x03 Esqueleto

Can't stand the fat pity. "I'd choose sexy if I could too". Good news… diet and exercise will get you there. Nothing is going to get handed to you in life. You have to work hard to get results. Isn't that what the dojo is teaching people?

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@htpcmac You are disgusting...of all things going on in this show, you choose to bully a teenage fictional character.

@claudiaihdz Well, is just a dog watching TV. We can't expect big ideas coming for this user.

@claudiaihdz It's brutal honesty though. And I'm saying that as an overweight dude. Granted, there's the tiny minority where there's a genetic issue or an illness preventing weight loss, but the vast majority who are overweight can change that by making healthier life choices.

@claudiaihdz They are joining a dojo to change who they are, to shape and define themselves, to set building blocks that will take them higher in life. Making healthy choices is the first start. There is nothing healthy about being fat. People can 'bully' people into being vaccinated for he good of everyone else, the same applies to healthy eating. It affects more than just one person, it affects the whole community.

You are a bigger asshole than the fictional bullies

@thunderztormdk No, the truth is that for the vast majority of fat people, it's due to laziness and a lack of self control, not a genetic illness. But the problem is that even if they do lose the weight, they usually end up with a lot of loose skin and even that is enough to still get mocked for looking ugly. But we shouldn't blame fat people for being fat because although it is completely within their control, they are never going to change on their own for the most part, they need help from other people, they need a coach that will push them and make them work hard to change because they will never be motivated on their own. The best thing that a parent can do to help their child lose weight is to force them to exercise more and to eat healthier. The problem is that most fat kids have fat parents, so their family is why they are this way.

@reverse-flash2024 So true most of them are lazy, but who cares let everybody be like they wants....
Only stupid people have the need to bully other people.
