I mean, OK… The Mona Lisa has been on permanent display in the Louvre Museum (in France, not New York) for over two centuries. All of the paintings on display are probably reproductions, anyway, which begs some questions, like whether all other copies of the Mona Lisa (including the original) now have the necklace, or just that one. Did the subjects disappear from the other copies while they were in the real world with Alex? (The shoes following The Scream back into his painting was a great gag, though.)

The physics with the charmed football (and the Atravesandus Spell in general) make about as much (or as little) sense as when characters in Star Trek series "phase" out of normal—see https://trakt.tv/comments/161466 for more of my thoughts on that nonsense. (Seriously, if the ball is charmed to pass through objects, how does it splash into the pot of soup? How do Jerry and Max even throw or catch it? Hold it? How does a charmed person breathe, even? Wouldn't their lungs pass through the air molecules instead of absorbing the oxygen? So many questions!)

I do have to admit, this is a actually pretty good episode from a story standpoint, but I just couldn't suspend my disbelief enough. A great story can be (and was, in this case) let down by technical problems in how it was actually portrayed.

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