Review by dgw

I seem to have missed rating 40% of this season (3 episodes watched before I started rating literally everything, and one that I guess Trakt didn't save the rating for due to a network issue), so I can't just take an average as a starting point for my season rating.

So let's go from the basics. I'm mixed on the format of the show—the ultra-widescreen video doesn't do much for me (though I get that the idea was to make each episode sort of a short film). Beyond that, I found the writing is kind of hit or miss. Some episodes treat their subject matter really well, and with great subtle humor, and others are just so out there with the jokes that I can't find the humor at all.

One solid reason to watch this show is the guest stars. H. Jon Benjamin, for example, has a recurring guest role—as himself. However, the show's occasionally gratuitous focus on the characters' sex lives can (and does) get in the way of otherwise great stories. (I level this criticism at American media a lot, don't I? Maybe foreign media that manages to tell amazing stories without showing characters screwing on screen has spoiled me.)

Ultimately I think this season is worth watching, and I might talk myself into watching season 2 at some point. But I won't rush into it. This season receives an arbitrary 6.5 from me, but rounded down for the issues I had with presentation.

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