Oh come on guys! The movie was good entertainment. Why whine about every little detail, when you can enjoy two hours of mindless fun and action. The ending was awesome. Can't wait where this is going.

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@agent24 i am all up for mindless fun movies. but you cannot objectively give this a 9. no offense ofcourse. dont want to start a war here.
by giving 9 u are comparing a movie like this to lets say , hitchcock or godfather...

@agent24 Maybe won't make enough for more if people are watching it on line, then telling friends not to bother.

@agent24 that's the thing, it wasn't good entertainment for a lot of people... just rehashing previous tropes with no engaging story. I'm a big fan of the franchise, but this was just a big disappointment (for me).

@agent24 Seems people got way too worked up over clichés. It's a fun movie, and actually emotional at times. It's dinosaurs god damn it, what do you expect.
