Shout by Kurtis Money

Leave No Trace 2018

Good, good movie. Ben Foster is great...almost as great as Thomasin. Great actors the both of them. This was a small story told with so much emotion. It might look boring and is only rated PG, but it's solid. Check it out.

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It might look boring and is only rated PG, but it's solid.

I'm sitting here trying to figure out when a PG rating became synonymous with "uninteresting"…

@dgw I'm sitting here trying to figure out why you're coming at me and where you got "uninteresting" from my comment. I was only speaking to what I think the perception of the movie might be for someone. There are plenty of PG movies where I don't think twice about the rating. But I was just surprised that a drama about a father and daughter living in the woods would have serious enough elements to merit a higher rating but I was pleasantly surprised by this movie and wanted to convince someone else who may have the same reservations I did that it's worth checking out.

@kurtmoney That's how I read the tone. Maybe that's not how you meant it, but it came across that way. Personally, I don't think a film's rating has anything to do with the quality and would never even think to mention it in a review. MPAA ratings are just a tool some people choose to use when deciding what movies their kids should be allowed to see, after all. They're meaningless otherwise.

If what you meant was, "It might look boring, but it's solid and is only rated PG," then that completely changes things and invalidates my original interpretation. As written, there's an association between "look[s] boring" and "only rated PG" that jumped out at me when reading your initial comment, that's all.
