Review by Felipe Ibañez

The Office: Season 3

3x04 Grief Counseling

+The first cut of this episode lasted 45 minutes.
+When Michael calls for a grief counseling circle in the conference room, Pam describes the movie "Million Dollar Baby," Ryan describes +"The Lion King," and Kevin describes "Weekend at Bernie's."
+In this episode, the Stamford office discusses the order for "Fairfield County Schools." However, Connecticut schools are not run by counties but rather by individual town and regional districts, meaning Fairfield County wouldn't be the ones placing a paper order.
+Dwight says his grandfather was reburied in an old oil drum. This must be the same grandfather whose tux he inherited.
+This episode was filmed after the fifth episode, "Initiation".


First, they talk about Ed Truck like he still worked at Dunder-Mifflin, Michael says he's retired when he appears in The Office: The Carpet nine months earlier. In that episode Michael goes on about how he hates Ed Truck, so it's either a continuity error or the writers expect us to remember that episode and assume Michael is overly grief-stricken over his death to get attention from his coworkers. The way it's portrayed Michael's grief really comes off as a continuity error and he seems to really care deeply for Ed Truck.

Plot holes
In the episode, Karen wants a bag of Herr's Salt and Vinegar chips, but there aren't any in the vending machine. However, when she walks by the vending machine you can see the chips in slot B1.


During the bird funeral, the cast wore coats despite the hot summer weather.

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@pipeinformatico I think Michael may have gotten into such grief because he worried that would be him some day. Michael drew a few parallels between him and Ed. Hence, Pam talk about the bird likely having other birds that cared for it, even if it died alone. I can totally see Michael act like this for attention, and maybe he does for that reason too, but I think loneliness was part of it. At least that’s how I interpreted it lol.

@pipeinformatico It is not that Michael actually griefs Ed Truck, he just doesn't wanna end up like him.

@pipeinformatico Very good eye about the chips! That makes it even funnier when Andy asks Jim and Karen if they checked the vending machine!
