[6.0/10] I think I’ve reached the point where my feelings about Spider-Man: Unlimited can be summed up as: “it’s not bad, it’s just dull.” The story in this one is fine -- with Spidey teaming up with a contentious local version of The Vulture to uncover an experimental lab run by Sir Ram where they’re running tests on humans. It’s pretty standard comic book/dystopian stuff, but it all progresses fine enough, I guess.

There’s just not really much to hold my attention. If I’m honest, than the tack this episode takes -- with Spidey running into a potential foe who becomes a tense ally when they face a common enemy -- isn’t far removed from the early episodes of Spider-Man: The Animated Series (which, to be fair, I wasn’t necessarily enamored with).

I just don’t have much investment in this weird, semi-animal-hybrid version of Vulture or his sob story about the human friend he betrayed, or in the latest Sir Ram evil plot, or the half-man-half-dragon action that leads to the usual soulless action sequence. Spider-Man Unlimited is trying, and the basic pieces are there -- including a quickly sketched but warm enough human character to add stakes to the mission -- but it’s just missing that spark to lift it out of being a case of going through the motions.

Overall, a perfectly fine episode that just doesn't have much to recommend it beyond being a fairly generic little adventure.

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