Shout by dgw

It's amazing to me how little of the material was changed between this and the pilot for the US version of The Office, and yet how different the two shows are in spite of that.

Really, it's all down to delivery and pacing. What's ironic is that this version—at 29 minutes—actually keeps going at a much healthier clip than the US version—at 23 minutes. Maybe the producers cut too much for the American series premiere. Maybe it's just that I found Steve Carell's regional manager character to be incredibly punchable. Could be that the couple jokes that were rewritten in the US series really were that much worse than the material they replaced from the UK premiere.

I don't know why, honestly. Don't feel like making this into a really deep analysis. But where I feel like sticking out the whole first season of the American series will be a slog, this one feels like it has a lot of promise. Both first seasons are only six episodes long.

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