Shout by dgw

Charlotte 2015


Shout by dgw

This is my customary cut-and-paste of an anime first-season review to the series page, because a sequel seems unlikely to happen.

Average episode rating: 7.69230769

I'm quite happy to round this one up. Early on, my ratings were low-balled because of, uh… Actually, I don't remember why. That's the problem with taking three years to watch a 13-episode anime, I guess.

About halfway through, my ratings really spiked, though. If you can call going from mostly 6's and 7's to mostly 8's and 9's a "spike"… But the show definitely got my attention at that halfway point, and there's no excuse for taking so long to finish except—just maybe—that I didn't want to run out of beautiful P.A. Works art to watch, so I slowed way down. (I've definitely done that before with shows I like, putting off finishing them for months or even, literally, years, to make them last longer. I'm a weird one.)

This is one of a handful of anime that I think would be worth rewatching to see how my opinion of it might have changed.

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