Review by FinFan
BlockedParent2018-12-29T14:07:55Z— updated 2018-12-30T18:43:12Z

I've watched each season of any Star Trek show more times than I can remember. The Next Generation was a show I rejected at first but with every time I watch it I embrace it more and more.

Yes, there are a lot of things debatable about the premiere season in terms of quality of the writing, continuity errors, character developement, actors performances to name a few. It is easy to critisize after the fact and with many years now gone. And even I am the first to admit that there are many cringe worthy or eye rolling moments in this first season. But remember, althought they had the original show to base it upon, they literally started with a white sheet of paper. Especially with the characters.

I also like to write a few words about the remastered HD version as I was initially oposed to that. Having now seen it I have to say it really looks great. The special effects are what most benefitted from the overhaul. They look much more crisp and detailed now. In general the picture looks great and I am amazed what they got out of the original source material. A minor negative is that the picture background looks very grainy at times especially if you're sitting close to your screen, whereas the important foreground is almost always amazingly clear. It also gets grainy when there is camera movement whereas static shots are really the best. But that is not really a downside. Brilliant and vibrant colours.
It is now easy to read the screens (which I did ocasionally). At the same time it is also easier to spot minor imperfections on the sets and props plus you sometimes spot the egdes of the make-up on characters. And it becomes really obvious now when a stunt double was used. But those are all not really flaws, nevertheless I thought I share this remarks.

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@finfan I finished Season 1 and I must say I had a nice journey so far. The relationship between characters is so fresh and enjoyable: I feel like I would be part of the crew with no problem.
I was expecting more silly moments but I was wrong.

A note about the characters:
Riker is cool yet he is not presumptuous. Data is interesting and the differences between him and the humans are quite funny. Wesley is a little genius yet he remains humble. Deanna is interesting too, yet I feel like her traits need to be refined better. I liked Beverly, she is fascinating and very good with her job. I really hope she ends up with the Captain. Worf had his moments and I am sure we'll see more from him. Geordie is able to transform his handicap in an advantage, a great lesson for everybody. Tasha will be missed. I hoped to see her become a captain!

Picard is very different from Kirk and Janeway, the other captains I know. Can't pick up a favourite so far. Stewart is the most elegant one and I like that all of them are very passionate about their job.

My personal awards:

Favourite episode: Coming of Age (the tests for Wesley impressed me much)
Favourite aliens: the microscopic life forms from Home Soil and the Bynar Engineers
Favourite guest star: Elizabeth Lindsey
Favourite holodeck moments: "We'll always have Paris"\Saying goodbye to Tasha
Favorite moment: Picard confronting Armus
Funniest moment: Data losing his virginity ( I guess it was his first time)
Best story I wanted as a prominent subject: the derelict satellite from The Neutral Zone

@andreas1138 I can't remember the last time anyone said so many good things about this first season. I like that. Even a lot of long time fans I know are usually reserved when asked about season one. I think you will have a lot of fun watching the other seasons as well.
If you watch on DVD/BluRay you should watch the specials. There is some good content and interviews.
