"I'm a Winchester"

And I'm so damn happy. I'm scared and impressed that Jack keeps on being this sweet innocent kid. And his wings! His beautiful wings! I'm so glad he's back to normal, which could only mean that he's soon going to turn evil. Damn show! That's why we can't have nice things!

The episode was a great one to come back on. I enjoyed it thoroughly despite the strange and unbelievable things. Every episode since "Nihilism" has actually been entertaining and great, even the music cues have been on point.

I still can't process this episode. I don't know if it's because it was entertaining, tense, full of twists, or underwhelming at parts. Let's start with the good stuff and then with the bad stuff.

First of, I'm actually smiling like an idiot to see Jack with his wings again. A feeling that soon will turn into concern because as everything in this show, happiness doesn't last longer.

Starting out gloomy and dark was actually pretty nice, eating some human parts. When I saw that frying pan with the sauce all I was thinking was "please, be tomato soup" and then the guy casually proceeded to eat a human. Thanks, Supernatural, you just ruined my dinner.

Noah, the villain, was compelling enough. Plus, I loved how the actor portrayed it. I just bursted out loud when he approched the trucker and said "I can tell that you definitely...want things". Forget about Missouri or Pamela, that's a psychic right there.

I still hate their misuse of Cas. He barely did nothing this episode. Only checked if a guy with his eyes poked out and his chest right open was dead. However, I loved his conversation with Jack. It was actually heart-breaking. When they were talking about existence being basically futile and life being all pain, jeez, I got so sad and depressed. I immediately thought about this show ending, and I'm glad someone else pointed it out in the comment section. It really looked like the writers words about the show ending through Cas' lips.

Rowena alone. I can't believe how much I hated her when she first appeared in the show and how much I love and appreciate her. And now I will never not love her. I love the way she'd been added to the main characters. She brings something different to the show. I absolutely adore her dynamic with Sam. The vet scene was hilarious. I need more of those. And then poor dog-Jack saying "I just wish I could have got it before she took my temperature", lol. I only wish Dean had been around to mock it.

Now, let's skip to the bad stuff. Michael being out of the picture seemed underwhelming, out of place and not believable. How does Jack have so much power all of a sudden? How come Michael can be overpowered so easily? And if Jack could actually do that, why didn't he do it sooner? It really felt like the writers wrote themselves into a corner and then they just tried to find a getaway to move on to a different thing. Yeah, I love Dean and watching him suffer makes me suffer. However, why did they give us the Mala'k box for? Or are they going to use it for Jack when he loses control and becomes evil?

My wild guess is that Michael is not yet gone. Jack has been burning pieces of his soul lately and he's taken Michael's grace, so I'm guessing that little by little, Jack's sould will be replaced by Michael's, and then, they'll have to use the Mala'k box for him. If that's not the case, how can destiny be wrong? The only way to stop Michael was to put him in the box in the bottom of the ocean, not to be killed by Jack.

I didn't see the twists in the last few minutes coming, But although I'm glad Jack for his wings, it felt so damn rushed and anticlimatic. This show has reached the point where there are no consequences to their actions anymore. No matter what you do, the outcome will not influence you. I'm still waiting for those cosmic consequences Billie talked about two season ago. But you know what? Having Jack kill michael in that badass way while proclaiming himself a Winchester and getting his wings back, I think that makes me cut that ending some slack. It makes me so damn happy to see Jack back to normal. It won't probably last for an episode, but still.

And poor Maggie. She was really the only hunter of this new group that we knew of and now she's dead...again.

The scene with Dean convulsing was so good and tense. It reminded me of that time when Sam was looking for pieces of his soul and putting them al together.

The one-liners where great. I loved the AV club quote and Jack saying "I'm not dying". The delivery was quite good.

Whenever I see the boys struggling looking for the creature they're hunting or a spell to stop them, I always think to myself, wouldn't it be easier to find a spell to locate the exact page ir the monster? Honestly, ther'd make their lives easier.

Overall, great episode with some ruched decisions anda ctions to move the plot along. I'm glad Jack0s "back" to "normal". However, as for everything in this show, happiness is just a passenger and soon Jack will be corrupted by Michael's grace and become the big bad.

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