Review by FinFan

The Dirt 2019

I can't speak for the accuracy of the movie as I am not a fan of the band. My guess is, like most biopics, things are added, left out, and/or were exaggerated. Of course I know the basic facts because I am into hard'n heavy music, it was my time, and I played some music myself.
So I see this as what it is - a movie about a band that came out of nowhere and went all the way, in every way. The first half is the fast and fun part. I always smile at those stories, when a band is formed with the auditions and stuff. I've been in those situations a lot and it really is like that. So, this half of the movie is where I had lots of fun. Then it takes a complete turnaround when the ugly side of things shows up. And while it is important to show it, and it wasn't badly done, it almost came too fast. I think it was intentional to show how quickly things can turnaround but in reality it is more like a buildup that is difficult to portray in a movie. Those two half are like two sides of a coin. They belong together. But after the fun ride it was hard to connect emotionally even knowing it is based on facts.
All in all the movie was really entertaining with cool music (if you like that stuff of course). It reminded me a bit of Rock Star with Mark Wahlberg. The actors did well and (I guess) where cast as much because of their looks as anything else. One thing that never really comes across well in this movies - it is tough to fake being a musican. By that I mean you instantly recognize they are lip syncing and not really know how to play instruments. Or it's just me, having played, that is more critical.
Anyway, turn up the volume, lay back and enjoy.

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