Isn't that a coincidence that Pa Riker shows up after Will mentioned him in the last episode ?
Well, it's not a bad one. It gives character background, which is never a bad thing. Althought, the way they mended their difficulties was a bit too Hollywood. Plus, those suits look silly now. And the connection to Dr. Pulaski felt out of nowhere. Granted, she's only just on board for a brief time now, but you being in love with a fellow colleagues father ? I think that would have come up. Well, maybe I am a bit picky.
One thing from the logic department: how do pain sticks cause pain on the holodeck ? Aren't there safeguards in place ? Usually they are mentioning it when those are turned of. OK, I am being picky again.
In hindsight it was obvious Riker wouldn't accept the promotion. As he will turn down others in the future. Loosing him would be like loosing........hmm. Whom, now? Who does Riker stand for compared to TOS. He's Number One. Which was Spock. Who himself is more represented by Data. Never really thought about that.

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@finfan I've always thought that RIker was supposed to be the Kirk analogue on TNG. Picard gets Spock's thoughtful, steady hand in terms of leadership, and Data gets Spock's "trying to understand humanity" element in terms of personal relationship. That leaves Riker to be the conduit for Kirk's passion and, not for nothing, his more casanova qualities.

@andrewbloom Yes, they split the TOS trinity up amongst the main characters. Which was a major reason for changing doctors because they felt Crusher didn't represent McCoy's roughness enough. But I always thought they overdid that part with Pulaski who seemed to not have the right to be so confrontational.
But, yes, Riker does share many attributes with Kirk. And ultimately him not getting, or taking, a command earlier probably served the character well in becoming a better captain because of that.
