I like that they added a character that doesn’t want to help with The Callings, or tries to use it to his advantage. It’s more realistic that not everyone would cooperate. However, Michaela showed how naive she is. I wish she’d use her detective brain and outsmart people more.

I’m really liking Zeke and hope he stays in the picture as a friend and confidant.

I find Jared really annoying. He’s immediately going into jerk mode to Zeke for no reason. Seriously, if his so-called relationship with Michaela is on the rocks it’s his own fault. Zeke had no part of it.

While I don’t mind Olive helping, I find Grace’s involvement is hypocritical. And she still doesn’t add anything to the show. I feel like the show is trying but I’d rather they just get rid of her.

I do find Cal’s involvements in the episodes a little wishy washy. Sometimes they make him seem like he knows everything and other times he plays stupid. Pick a lane.

And am I the only one shipping Saanvi and Ben? Since the beginning I felt the have good chemistry. Plus, they like each other as friends at least. Not sure if it was intentional but I feel like there could be a slow build up of a relationship. I hope so.

The cgi wolf looks silly. I don’t even think they needed it. Just have Michaela hearing the snarling then turn and looked freaked out. We can easily figure it out. It’s an easy way for the show to save money for when they need it.

Overall alright episode. I’m still not sure why it’s this big thing that Jared is looking up Zeke’s fingerprints. Michaela already knows who he is - she saw the missing poster remember? So Jared’s going to find out what she knows...so who cares?
Feels like a way just to create drama. I’d rather more time and energy was put into the mysteries - the weekly and the ones about the Returned.

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