Review by Daniel Terner

The OA: Season 1

1x05 Paradise

I’m late to the party, having known about this show since it first appeared on Netflix but just now getting around to watching. I’m enjoying it so far. A couple of thoughts and observations about this episode:

Prairie tells her story to her audience an hour at a time, and they sit and then try to puzzle out pieces of it together. The OA (the show) and its audience does the same.

We now know that Prairie’s NDE’s element was air (to Hap, she described wind as its prominent feature), and her creature was a bird. Homer’s was water - we saw the flooding urinals and the aquarium, and his creature was a fish. (The aquarium, incidentally, was shaped like their holding cells, and Prairie’s celestial room seems to be, as well, though it’s harder to discern). We didn’t really get to see much of Scott’s NDE but it appeared to start with fire. I’m guessing the final two will be earth and then aether (spirit), and the spirit will involve ethereal beings (angelic forms).

I have to go back and watch the final moment of each episode and pay more attention to the glowing ring. In this episode the one ring became two. I assume one for Prairie and one for Homer, and the glowing rings are actually halos.

In the scene where Hap is in his bed (and notices Prairie and Homer practicing their moves, via the monitor), I noticed that above his headboard their is a big art piece in the shape of a scaled snake/serpent. If the prisoners are angels, then it seems like the show is letting us know that Hap is the devil.

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