@Abstractals, is there anything you actually like?

I appreciate a quality review and all - good or bad - but, from my perspective, you really love to tear down a great series (ie. The Good Place), episode by episode by episode. Frankly, I’m always surprised you continue to watch. Maybe slow down on the Haterade and simply allow yourself to be entertained?

P.S. Sabrina is a super fun show. I’m excited to see where it goes. And Aunt Hilda is everything.

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Reply by Deleted

@Abstractals, is there anything you actually like?

Sure. Here are my Reviews & Shouts, sorted by Highest Rated:


You'll even notice a couple of episodes of 'The Good Place' that I rated 8/10. But here's a philosophical question. If it really was a "great series"... would an off-the-cuff Trakt review be able to tear it down?

Sabrina is a super fun show. I’m excited to see where it goes. And Aunt Hilda is everything.

Amazing. Every word of what you just said... was wrong.

OPReply by Corey

@abstractals, Every word of what I just said... was neither wrong nor right, but my opinion. And I have every right to mine as you do yours. I guess I’ve just apparently run into more of your negative ones than a fan would like.

Nice to see that we agree a little more on ‘Black Mirror’ and ‘Contact’. And I’ll agree to disagree... anybody can tear anything great down. Doesn’t mean it’ll go away or change. It’s all subjective.

Regardless, I do look forward to reading more from you as I move on to the next ep of Sabrina. Happy Watching!

Every word of what I just said... was neither wrong nor right, but my opinion

Dude, I'm just teasing. Or have you seriously not seen 'The Last Jedi'?

I do look forward to reading more from you as I move on to the next ep of Sabrina.

If it makes you feel any better, you can enjoy Season Two without having to endure my reviews. :smirk:

OPReply by Corey

@abstractals, I guess I’d be lying if I said that some of your “Good Place’ digs didn’t give me a chuckle. And the ‘Last Jedi’ thing totally went over my head. I thought you were being an ***. Of course I saw TLJ! Lemme guess... you hated it? Lol jk.

Much respect to a fellow entertainment nerd. :sunglasses:

Reply by Deleted

Of course I saw TLJ!

And yet.... it's not listed in your History.

Lemme guess... you hated it?

Funny you should ask. My review for 'The Last Jedi' [7/10] is one of my better analyses. I even suggested a fix for Vice Admiral Holdo's ridiculous Hyperspace nonsense: http://trakt.tv/comments/153588
