[7.8/10] A lot to like about this one! We once again have a divide between the space-bound team and the earth-bound team, but both had compelling storylines with nice little grace notes for different characters, which I enjoyed.

On the space side, it was a little contrived that FitzSimmons and Enoch ended up back in the same casino of a few episodes ago, but it remains a fun backdrop. The pair’s conversation at the alien craps table over Simmons being high the last time she was here was a laugh, and I liked Anthony Michael Hall as the casino owner. He brought some amusing flair to the venal sleazebag, and his interactions with the red haired lady were particularly amusing.

The rest of the bit in space worked as a way to get FitzSimmons back to Earth, although the whole guillotine situation was an obvious headfake (no pun intended). I suppose its purpose is to make us at least semi-trust and/or like the red-haired lady, though my suspicion is that she is the creator of all those shrikes. But the performer is good, and it’s an excuse to get the gang back together. Plus, while I’m sad to see Enoch go (and expect him and his cavalry back for the finale), his goodbye with Fitz was funny and touching. He’s been an unexpectedly great addition to the show, and I hope he returns soon.

On the Earth side of things, Mac and company trying to interrogate Sarge was enjoyable. I appreciate the fact that Sarge is still such an unknown, to where he seems like despite being locked up, he’s two steps ahead of our heroes. Normally, that sort of villain feels perfunctory and you just know the baddie will be outsmarted by the good guys, but here, whether because he looks like Coulson or because he exudes such calm and confidence, you buy it.

It also doesn't hurt that he’s right. While the false start with Jocko’s fire breath is a little weak, the fact that Sarge knows the good guys will need his help with the shrike and bargains his team and freedom for it is, I am reluctant to admit, pretty badass. Mac does a good job of noting the difference between Sarge and Coulson, that it centers on valuing life, but that makes seeing this type of performance from Clark Gregg especially interesting here.

I’ll admit, the issue on the plane with May and Yo-Yo having to stop the shirkes from freaking out felt a little convenient and shoehorned in as an action sequence, but it served its purpose. (Though why has Yo-Yo barely used here Yo-Yo powers this season? It seems like there’s multiple occasions when they’d be really useful.)

The character stuff is good too. I appreciate Deke getting a little color here, both with his clueless attempts to flirt with Daisy and his genuine anger and arguably grief upon hearing that Fitz died and he wasn’t told about it. Him contributing to Shield in his grandfather’s stead as a tech genius is a nice way to make him relevant to the team, and I like him being particularly useful in the context of the alien tech.

Hell, as tired as I am of the Mac/Yo-Yo drama, I appreciate that it mattered here. Who knows if Mac would have made the decision to trade unshackling Sarge in exchange for information if Yo-Yo’s life wasn’t on the line. It’s a wrinkle that at least complicates the decisions Mac makes as a leader, which I like better than the pair mooning over one another and reveling in the awkwardness.

Overall, this was a very good episode which had some fun space hijinks with FitzSimmons, a neat set of interrogation gambits with Mac and Sarge, and a handful of nice character moments sprinkled in between them.

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