Shout by Deleted

Dexter 2006


Shout by Deleted

It's time to speak the truth. I've been a Dexter fan since the beginning and have awaited each new season with high hopes, but the harsh reality is that this show hasn't been any good since season 4. I keep wanting it to be good, but it just isn't. It's almost as if the writers (Scott Buck in particular?) made the decision that, hey, since this is all fantasy anyway, nothing has to make sense or have any continuity whatsoever. The writing is awful, the dialog is horrible, the excessive Dexter voiceovers pointing out the obvious show that they don't give the audience credit for anything anymore, and the massive royal F*** YOU of it all was this insane, ridiculous notion of Debra being "in love" with Dexter. And it's not just that it's "gross" because they're step-siblings. It's completely cheesy, stupid, out of character, and unnecessary. I'll watch the rest of it because I'm too invested now, but unless the last six episodes surprise and impress the hell out of me, I'll always look back on these 8 seasons as, "alright, the first half was good; the second half was mediocre at best." Now, let the abuse star

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Reply by Deleted

Spoiler alert! They won't.

Sorry, but it's the truth. Season 8 was terrible. Finale wasn't too bad, though.
