Shout by Nancy L Draper

Marvel's Jessica Jones

Season 3

A Bitter-sweet Goodbye. This review is overdue because to write it meant I finally had to say goodbye to the JESSICA JONES created under the Netflix's banner. I have really enjoyed this series. The writing has been sharp, self-depreciating and grimly humorous, like it's protagonist. Krysten Ritter has brilliantly inhabited this character. This season was more about what heroism is (or does) than it is about a fight against villainy. As is always true with the series, the struggle is real and the lines hard to define. Even though this season had a slow start (it must have been hard to reset after Killgrave) all the avenues were explored. Great writing, great plot, characters in whom you can invest, a bitter-sweet finale to a series I truly enjoyed. I give this season a 9 (superb) out of 10. [Superheroine]

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