Shout by anthoney65

I was not so happy with this finale. I thought things were going along just great until they turned Chuck into a bad guy. He's always been one of the most loved characters. Something special on the show. It's fine that he ignored them most of the time because that's what god does. Now it looks like the final season will be a zombie apocalypse started by god.

So they're going to make god the big bad of the final season. Who's fucking bright idea was that. Since we saw Billy and the empty entity with Jack, I can almost guarantee he'll be back. Maybe a 3 way team up Jack, Billy and the entity help the boys against god. I don't know but what I do know is the whole Chuck thing sucks.

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@anthoney65 Or, did Chuck send Jack to the Empty to get a new soul -- knowing he'd get ejected for staying awake, haha.... And, this is all a test? He, and the boys, saw how truly repentant Jack was for killing Mary.... I don't know, maybe they're just phoning it all in, but I gotta give the benefit of a doubt it's gotta be better than it looked -- setting him up to accept the important work his Dad was supposed to do, or managing Heaven even, but I was disappointed in the way last season ended for being "fakey."
Did you hear there's a TVMuse.cc domain stood up now? Having a hard time believing it's actually the same People, but....

Edit: There's a fan theory the Shadow may send him back, but Billie would be able to restore his soul, so's not just me.... Then again, with all the talk (unrelated to this show) of subverting fan needs, anything's possible.

@anthoney65 Nah. We need a kickass last season and this was the only way to provide it (higest stakes possible.) And the Chuck thing remains complicated, not black and white.

@vwfringe He could become a reaper or replace the Empty.

@vwfringe @Anthoney
Any chance we will get Crowley back? I heard the actor wasn't coming back but now..

@anthoney65 I think this finale would have worked just fine if this were Chuck's first appearance. The way I understood Chuck's non-interference before was that he wanted to allow his creations to grow up and stand on their own without always running to him for help. But everything got complicated once the writers introduced alternate worlds. Now, Chuck doesn't interfere because his various worlds are just entertainment to him. That doesn't match up at all with the Chuck we first knew who made the choice to live among humans, not look down on them. I was hoping he'd have a moment with his own grandson, but who knows how many nephilims may exist in other worlds? And all of this goes against season 11. The whole point of that season was showing Amara that humans aren't just little creatures, and renewing God's faith in them. Now Chuck is just a brat. Death should have reaped him when he had the chance...
