I’m so happy that Amy gets to finally be manager. She earned every single ounce of her new salary, however she does not deserve all that crap from her coworkers.
I get that it’s supposed to be funny, but it just comes across as pretty ridiculous, I mean, for instance, Garrett casually announcing her contract without a bat of an eye and Cheyenne also casually mentioning Amy’s salary to a customer? I mean, what the fork is wrong with these people. Again, AMY DESERVES BETTER. (Minus Jonah because they’re actually perfect for each other).

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@lemicomo I handle sitcoms being ridiculous as a test of disbelief suspension. At some point, you almost have to make the characters do something unrealistic or you end up with another straight drama. The situation is supposed to be the source of the comedy—hence "sitcom", for "situation comedy".

Of course Garrett wouldn't have done that in real life, but it's OK because he's a TV character and it sets up the situation.
