Shout by whitsbrain

In the Tall Grass 2019


Shout by whitsbrain

I've read a lot of Stephen King but I don't remember this story, which would make sense because this isn't good. The field of grass is cool and the whole evil rock thing is fine. But I'm totally baffled why rock-toucher Ross (Patrick Wilson) turns into an insane killer yet the other rock-toucher, Travis (Harrison Gilbertson), helps girlfriend Becky and little boy Tobin leave the tall grass. Maybe the rock has an adverse effect on realtors but rockers aren't affected as much. Eh...whatever.

The time line confused me and try as I might, I could not figure out when Becky, Cal, Ross, Tobin, or Travis were coming or going. I thought about that time line for a good while but to this point, I have no idea who arrived before who, who showed up after who. Eh...whatever. There was also something significant about the church, I suppose. I just haven't the slightest idea what it might have been. I'm going to just go ahead and assume that I wasn't paying attention and not blame Netflix for creating another crappy movie.

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@whitsbrain This. All of this. Agreed. Spend your time thinking about how any of this adds up in a plot and you still just come out feeling like this was just a crapshoot of ideas thrown together with no working order. Grass idea was cool and timelines could have been a solid thriller concept, but instead, shit. On top of that, not a good movie either.
