Shout by gabe

Batwoman 2019

Shout by gabe
BlockedParent2019-10-09T23:14:42Z— updated 2019-10-11T02:41:21Z

Toxic fragile masculinity is exhaling from most of these comments. Stop whining and just don't watch the show. Damn, you guys like being stupid.

“If you’re not into Batman, Green Arrow, Iron Man , etc, those who are heroes without powers, then this show is not for you. If you’re not into DC heroes, then again, this show isn’t for you. If you’re homophobic or sexist, then you won’t like this show. If you can’t stand good quality shows, then you won’t like this show. Still here? Then you should like this it." — (FangsMcWolf, 7 October 2019 user review on IMDb) (the part about good quality shows being more personal, tho)

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@imgvbriel So typical. Shaming those those who thinks for themselves. If your "questioning" self have an issue with masculinity and our ability to express ourselves, it sounds like you should have that conversation with your parents. Seems like they failed you miserably. I am entitled to my own opinions and so are you. You can't shame me but you can try though. "If you just want to watch your entertainment and not be exposed to gay men, lesbians, politics, and all these other politically correctness going on then you must be homophobic, sexist, blah" ---Shut the hell up. Don't come for me. I would not come for you. I am not one of those guys you can shame into submission. You done got me f!ck up.

@imgvbriel Hello! Female here... This show is stupid and cringy. And everyone with their right mind would agree. This doesn't have anything to do with sexuality. Stop giving people that bs dude. Yes I'm pansexual so don't u dare throwing that card. The issue is the script and acting is just ridiculously bad! Things happening that don't make ANY sense. Imagine fighting crime for years, saving lives but the city isn't thankful and they just turn down the light and you get replaced with a self centered b*** that is more interested in who gets credits for saving people than actually saving people. U know why most super heroes wear a suit? Cuz it's about fighting crime! You know what Batwoman does? Make sure everyone knows that a female is helping out with fighting crime. Lol! I love how she's praised in the first episode like she's on Batman his level straight away. Are you kidding me dude?

@breezytm you were the one making it a gender/sex thing trying to shame the show saying "What are the air dates for CatMan and Wonder Man?". So... stop being such a hypocrite.

@sopherian My comment is not about trying to throw cards to make look wrong people who didn't like the show. You are entitled to not like the show for whatever, being the acting, the plots, etc. We all know CW is going to ruin the show like every single one of their other productions. But there are people complaining about this show just because the main character is not a damsel in distress and hoping they don't show too much of her sexuality. Just read the rest of the comments. One thing is not liking the show because it's bad, other is being a dick.

@imgvbriel I wrote my comment but didn't attack anyone on here. This is so deep for you that you decided to name called everyone who disagreed with your views. Simply because you are having an issue with your masculinity doesn't mean we all are. I think the show is stupid I said so. I am tired of the me too movement. I don't go hide behind a curtain. I bluntly say it. I am unapologetic about what I truly think. That's what real man do. They speak their truth even if it hurts your sad little feelings.

Sounds like you are suffering from a serious self esteem, self loathing and/or a lack of acceptance issue and I suggest you consider speaking to someone about that before you explode.

@breezytm I don't have any issues with my masculinity. You all saying the show suck just because it's a woman CLEARLY have. The show might be bad for many other reasons, even the way they portray a female hero, but not just because it's a female hero like the reasoning you're all using in these comments.

@breezytm and remember, your truth is not the absolute truth. If you suck, I'll say to your face you suck, and that's what I did. Your way of being "the man" is toxic. You not caring for the person next to you is toxic. You're toxic. >>>People's feelings are not little. <<< And I'm not talking about mine, I'm here just standing up to an issue that only exists because of people like you. I'm not the one suffering with a serious lack self esteem as I'm not the one tearing down womanhood online behind a picture that's not my own. I'm not the anonymous coward here. Bitch, bye.

It's funny how people who are using their "opinions" to shame gender & sexuality are soooo quick to say they're being shamed when someone says they're wrong for doing that.

@imgvbriel "I don't have any issues with my masculinity" - Could have fooled me. You sound so hurt. Let me be the first one to tell you this. You do not need my acceptance or anyone else's for that matter.

You got some nerves. I give you that. Trying to tell me what I should do, like, dislike, etc...If I don't like it because I think the concept of Batwoman is stupid. That's that. That my prerogative. Who are you to tell me what I should or should not like and for what reason(s). You seriously think I am one of these people on tv who always apologizing for saying what they truly think\believe.

No more replies from me after that. You sound like you need some soul searching. I'll be kind enough to leave you to it.

@breezytm I'm not trying to tell you what to do, I'm just saying you're wrong. If you accept that or not it's not my problem. Feel free to dislike the show because it's being made poorly, that's one thing, other is talking shit like - again - "What are the air dates for CatMan and Wonder Man?" like a woman hero doesn't deserve her show. The people who are making the show didn't invent her just now, you know? She debuted on HQs on 2006.


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@imgvbriel your comment isn't even worth an answer. Who's the extremist here?

It's funny, I recently read various articles, about 80% of the Americans are uncomfortable with all that P.C. Crap.

Well ill guess that fits most countries.


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@sopherian Well said. Greeting to my Netherlands neighbours.

@imgvbriel who said that the sucks because the lead is a women? I didn't read that anywhere?
We had awesome female leads in movies and shows for centuries. Ellen Ripley, Sarah Connor, Leia just to name a few. These days is just so damn forced and the focus on gender or sexuality or toxic masculinity (I hate that term), instead of a descent character development and a reason why he/she/it does something, can do something others don't etc. it's annoying, sometimes even ridiculous (look at you Rey) Easy as that.

I always thought, all the diversity shouldn't matter, so why is it soooo damn often the most important in shows/movies? Why?

And yes, I mainly want entertainment. If I want phrases and or politics I watch something about that.

@hildebread "who said that the sucks because the lead is a women?" Read the rest of the fucking comments. Just because you didn't find it or you don't share that point of view doesn't mean there aren't people saying that.

Diversity shouldn't matter? You're insane, lol. Representativity matters. People turning on the TV and watching a show or smth that they can relate to the characters definitely matter. That's often the most important in recent shows/movies because that's an issue that's being talked about these days, which wasn't before. It's simple, really. If you find annoying talking about gender and sexuality then just don't watch the show, it's also very simple.

People are diverse and need to be represented, otherwise people forget about them and also their issues, which they often don't even understand and say shit like "diversity shouldn't matter".

And if 80% of the Americans aren't comfortable with that "PC crap" then it shows even more why shows like this one are needed. It's impressive how y'all can't handle minorities / oppressed classes being treated as normal and capable people - as they should be.

But what to expect from someone who made homophobic comments and when they got deleted called it censorship? lolololol

For someone who said my comment didn't deserve an answer and don't care about this kinda crap youu suuuuure had a lot to say. Get a life, dude, ur sad.

@imgvbriel , Face it ... This show sucks... It's a great idea, executed poorly. No need to use homophobia to shield this horrible show !

@app1wxw CW has that effect. Yes, there's no need to be homophobic and sexist to talk the show down, but unfortunately people do, dude.


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@qvbriel are you familiar with a concept of a feedback? do you see that users can give the show a rating between 1 and 10? do you not fucking believe in existence of low ratings?

@numberfive How about you try reading all the comments I made before jumping to conclusions? You'd know what I meant if you read it. Don't try to paint me as dumb when you clearly have only half a brain cell to work with.


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@qvbriel I've read all the comments before I've added mine. I can see that mainly people call it for what it is, garbage writing, trashy plot, miscast and awful acting. traditional for CW shows in general. And people just don't like to watch shit at the end, thus the viewership numbers went from decent 1,9M to 0,7M during the pandemic, when people were sort of forced to watch tv more.
the fact that during the past few years they are ALSO trying to push a specific agenda on top of the awful everything is just sad, but it is just a cherry on a cake, cake made of shit.
and you whiteknighting here is embarrassingly pathetic.
any opinion of a nameless racist/sexist out there is not less valid than yours. no one will produce things that people don't buy.


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@qvbriel you like the phrase toxic masculinity a lot don't you? That's annoying in its own way. The show is bad.

@qvbriel And again the mysogyny comment.

For the record: I did stop watching - I'm only back here bc I got an alert that season 2 was coming out and wanted to check up on comments.

Calling someone mysoginistic bc they don't like a show doesn't make them mysoginistic. Its like me calling you a parrot because you like the show. I can say it, but that doesn't make it true.

People like you love to call everyone mysoginistic, transphobic or other words, just because we don't like a show or movie you deem "progressive". And when we give arguments, those are "dog-whistle arguments" to hide our phobias.

This show is rated 56% here with ~1200 votes. Wake up! Its not just the commenters not liking it - there are plently of people hating this show.
Most of them are just afraid to comment on it because they usually get bashed for having an oppinion by people like you, thinking people are only allowed to have those if they align with what they believe the be the correct one.

@player8472 The entire time I said it's ok to not like the show, but this and that is not only disliking it. Clearly you also have reading issues. Make your quarantine useful: get some classes.

@qvbriel Maybe you should reread your original comment, since you seemingly have forgotten what you wrote there.

THAT is the comment I answered.

I do like Superhero shows (well most of them anyway) and I love well written and thought through shows.
But: I HATE this show. Because it is a) poorly written and b) misandristic as f***.

At least it was up to the point where I watched it.
Watch the show and replace every occurence of man with woman as well as every occurence of woman with man. It should be pretty clear what I mean then.

But your original comment didn't accept that. It basically said: You are only allowed to dislike this show if you hate good entertainment, otherwise you must either love it or be a mysoginist...
