Review by lira

Just perfect. Kept to the storyline of the book to an impressive level. In some parts, specially near the end, it was clearer than the book. When the uprising in the arena began, we knew pretty well who was on Katniss's side.
One thing to love: everything. If you had any reservations concerning Jena Malone or Sam Claflin, just don't. They were perfect for their characters. The SFX are just something else. The poisonous mist had an eerie Stephen King-ish look to it. The training center was pretty good, and I don't even have words to describe the areena. Hollywood mastered action tracks eons ago, so I don't know why I'm mentioning it.
One thing to hate: fangirls. Bitches screamed and squeaked through half the fucking movie. “Omigod Sam Claflin.” “Hahaha Peeta and Finnick are kissing.” “I want Johanna Mason to murder my vagina.” Ugh, please, I didn't pay to listen to that. (Maybe I thought one or two of these things but at least I kept it to myself.) But maybe you're like me and you, too, feel a sadistic pleasure in telling people to STFU.
And if you're wondering how a mortal watched the movie one week before premiere: I'm from Brazil suckers ;-)

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Reply by sp1ti

"Murder my vagina" - that's a good one :).

That's why I wait 2-3 weeks before watching a movie in cinema. 90% of the fangirls are out + you have better chance at a good seat :)
