Review by ds1

I enjoyed Ted to a fair degree and am a huge fan of Family Guy or McFarlane in general but this movie is absolutely terrible.
The acting is just awful (what do you expect, it's Seth playing a main character), the story is so frigging clichéd and the humour is plain bad.
You could argue about the humour, sure, again it's Seth McFarlane and he's known for using controverse methods for his humour. However, even or especially as a fan I really have to question what exactly is supposed to be funny about a man who gets his head crushed by a big chunk of ice while Seth and his idiotic friend are grossed out by it? Right. Nothing.
It served no purpose and wasn't funny at all. That moment physically hurt me from the second hand shame that I felt and it's just one of several of those moments.
Another cringeworthy moment is why the hell does the "villain" in this movie put up with the main characters crap when he's going to shoot him anyway? Stupidity as a lazy way for the desired plot progression of the villain being killed.
The whole movie seems to be an attempt of Ted just in much, much worse and really cringeworthy.
To see how far Seth McFarlane can go and still sell his crap.
The only good thing was a certain reference of one of the best movie franchises in the film history. That's it.
Do yourself a favour and don't watch it.

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