That was good enough for me to want a second season. I must say, though, you could have done all of that as a movie if you cut out the unnessessary stuff. But that's a side note.
The opening minutes had me a bit worried. You leave on a cliffhanger and than come back with THAT !? That was almost SW movie quality of late (yes, sarkasm). Luckily it turned around fast and we got some really good action sequences (Stormtroopers really are the redshirts of Star Wars) along with some more revalations about the Mandalorian and The Little Guy. Personally I don't think he's a Yoda clone. He sure is the same species and maybe we will now, in another season that is, learn more about them. I remember reading, a little while back, about Lucas' original story ideas for another trilogy and maybe this is going in this direction. Who knows. I'm not really in favor of showing us Mandos face. It had to be done at that point but it should have been done off-camera or maybe shot from behind. It takes a little bit away from the myterious side of the character. The ending came a bit too fast and convinient and you could have been rather certain that Gideon wasn't dead.
In any case like I said, I am looking forward to season two.

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