Yes! My boy is back and with a dog other than Riker! The new Number One sure is as cute as the original one.
This was not what I expected, but, then again, I didn't know what to expect of something set in the TNG universe 30 years later. This is definitely not TNG but — and most importantly — this is not STD either (gotta love that acronym).

There was a wee bit too much more action than I'd thought there'd be in a show revolving around one of the most wise and reasonable Star Trek characters, but it wasn't exactly gratuitous, anyway. The show seems to want to blend some action for the newer generations with the trademark deep and thoughtful Picard monologues. And I'm cool with that.

I'm not so sure about that "Tea. Earl Grey. Decaf." moment. That's meddling with a sacred TNG quote! Maybe it was just a one time thing, a nod to the good old TNG days, while showing at the same time that the years have clearly passed by.

Also, was that a Borg Cube at the end? Add that to the obvious incoming wave of guest appearances and this show will quickly get soaked in fanservice. I don't mean it in a bad way, though... Because I do want to see all of that!

After this premiere I still don't know what to expect from the show, but I did enjoy this first episode — both for the nostalgia and for the new elements — and it got me excited to watch the next one, which is all one could ask from a pilot episode.
Everyone loves a good mystery, and Picard sure seems to be getting his teeth (dentures?) into a tasty one. And so are we.

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Reply by FinFan
Blocked2020-01-26T11:04:05Z— updated 2020-01-28T20:23:20Z

@misnomer That first sentence of yours had me almost spit my coffee on the screen. Good one. We are clearly on the same page yet again. I'm one hundred percent with you on the action and the decaf was a bit of an eye roller. But, hey, if it didn't get worse...
It sure isn't TNG and, like you said, that's fine. They never claimed it would be. On the contrary. I just saw an interview with Patrick where he explicitly stated that this would be different because we live in different times.
And, yes, it was a cube. Makes one wonder how Romulan refugees got hold of a, seemingly, damaged Borg cube.
