Shout by drqshadow

Central Intelligence 2016

The Rock and Kevin Hart pair up as a set of dysfunctional high school acquaintances who embark on a quest for gunfights and fireballs on the eve of their high school reunion. The leading duo has a great rapport, funny without feeling forced, and it's a good thing because that's where all the magic lies; the plot is flimsy as all get-out.

I understand, it's important not to overthink a dumb buddy comedy, and Central Intelligence brings a lot of amusing, brainless fun to the table. Sometimes it pushes a bit too far, though, and that's tough to look past. I'm talking about the watery acting (when they aren't ad-libbing, the two leads ham it up like a Christmas dinner), terribly awkward music decisions (shoehorned to fit the late '90s theme) and downright awful effects work (The Rock's face superimposed over a heavy-set teen is especially bad). There's enough meat here to merit another adventure with these guys - their social media promo clips for the film show they've got compatibility in spades - but next time let's aim for something a bit less trashy and lightweight.

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