Shout by Aniela Krajewska

Sex Education: Season 2

2x08 Episode 8

I'm still annoyed at Otis's behavior throughout the season, but his voicemail to Maeve was actually really sweet and what Isaac did at the end was a total dick move. Tbh given that Netflix has been canceling their shows left and right, the producers are putting a lot of faith in them with that cliffhanger ending. Nothing has really been resolved in a satisfying way, so if we don't get a season 3 it's gonna be awfully disappointing.
Also, Maeve's mom is literally the worst ever. Fuck her. I'll miss seeing Maeve with Elsie too, they had such a cute relationship.

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@aniela-krajewska I disagree about Maeve mother. If we can flow with the mother's story that she had been clean for 13 months, keep in mind that she we going to NA meetings (ok, it was lame to force forgiveness from Maeve), and was trying to be productive in holding a job, I think that Maeve went a little overboard.

There is not doubt that Erin does partake of some herbal enjoyment, but there is a good amount in the tin, which would seem that she relapsed after losing her job, but did not get complete wasted. So I do think that Maeve's actions is going to bite her in the ass should we get a Season 3.

@kcallis Agree to disagree. If you're a hardcore drug addict like Erin, there is no "safe" or "harmless" amount of drugs you can take. Well, okay, there is, and that amount is 0. If you relapse, you relapse, end of story, regardless of the kind of drug you took. Weed in the wrong hands is just as capable of destroying lives as cocaine. And judging by the fact that she had some left, it wasn't a one time thing. She would've got high again. Otherwise she would've thrown the drugs away. Maeve did what she thought was best for her little sister. She didn't report Erin to the police for drug possession, she just wanted to protect the child that was in Erin's care. Erin telling Maeve that she'll never forgive her was pure shithead behavior. Maeve forgave her for YEARS of neglect and trauma, but Erin thinks she has some moral high ground here? What was Maeve supposed to do, ignore the whole thing and risk Erin falling back into full blown addiction which would inevitably result in her abandoning or endangering her kid? Or risk Elsie finding Erin's stash and possibly getting poisoned? Nah. Fuck Erin. She's a deeply selfish and irresponsible person. She broke her sobriety and tried to hide it. If she'd truly wanted to change, she would've confessed. But she didn't say anything to anyone, not to Maeve, not to her sponsor, not to anybody. She hid it and lied about it which is what drug users do when they fall back into the clutches of addiction. She was on her way back to Junkieville. AND on top of that she treated Maeve horribly. Her 17-year-old daughter is 10,000 times more responsible than she is. But you're obviously entitled to your opinion.

@aniela-krajewska In my opinion Otis‘ behaviour has an important message and it is also somewhat relatable. We all went trough puberty and our „right and wrong“ was sometimes the „wrong and right“. It‘s important to be honest otherwise you end up in a spiral out of lies. Sex education is so popular because it’s relatable and I appreciate that it tries to teach important values!
