Shout by drqshadow

Thor 2011

A solid enough popcorn muncher that never even hints at reaching a deeper level. Chris Hemsworth does what he sets out to, making waves with his appearance if not his acting, while Natalie Portman tries in vain to turn her uncertain supporting role into something more significant. It's really two films under one heading, as the developments in Thor's celestial homeworld of Asgard provide gorgeous vistas but no meat, and the fish-out-of-water character moments of the god of thunder fallen to Earth deliver good-natured, if shallow, fun.

With a few listless fight scenes thrown in to stir the waters, Thor never runs the risk of growing stagnant but also doesn't give its audience much to think about. It's all spelled out with no regard for subtlety, hammered into the pre-planned groundwork for Marvel's upcoming Avengers mega-pic with the kind of blunt nuance one might expect from a character known primarily for his rash, impatient brawn. I had fun, but it didn't leave me clamoring for a follow-up.

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