Was anyone else getting irritated that when the kids (thought they) found Well Lady/Dodge/Lucas on the floor that they just kept standing around and not immediately looking for all the keys to take back from her?

I knew when all the kids tossed Dodge into the black door that it was probably Ellie because when Bode was at Ellie's house they didn't show her.

I didn't know nor expect the end parts with Gabe or Eden, which also begs the question then, where the hell is the real Gabe?

One other big question, did anyone else think that one paramedic kind of looked like Stephen King making a cameo appearance near the end?

But according to the credits, it wasn't! Lol :wink:

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@thenightwolf haha sorta. That’s Stephen King’s son Joe Hill, who is also the writer for Locke & Key graphic novels.

@wynter02 fellow Canadian! :blush: I should have noticed that since I did see comments stating his name, and I looked right at the two names of the paramedics but somehow it still slipped past me. Probably because of his last name being different and I was so focused on the name Stephen King that it didn't hit me. Anyways, thanks for clearing that up for me! Oh, and I guess he is following in his father's footsteps when it comes to making a cameo appearance in all their own films just like Marvel's Stan Lee used too.

You don't happen to know where the real Gabe Character disappeared do you? Lol guess we'll have to wait until next season to find out.

@thenightwolf I was also confused about the real Gabe, and if Gabe even existed as a human or if Dodge just created him to infiltrate the group. I can't quite recall him before he inserted himself into the prank on Eden. Hopefully, we'll get some explanation.

@wynter02 let me try and refresh your memory then. Gabe was already in the group before Kinsey met the rest of the group, Gabe came out from behind the curtain dressed as the lobster creature and introduced himself to her. We didn't see much of the group during the season. Hopefully that helps.

@thenightwolf thank you, that really helped. Hopefully we get to find out when and how he got switched.

@wynter02 you're welcome, glad that I could. Hopefully.
